The Amazon is home to more species of plants and animals than any other terrestrial ecosystem on the planet -- perhaps 30 percent of the world's species are found there.
- More than 430 species of mammal are found in the Amazon, the majority of which are bats and rodents.
- The Amazon is home to the world's largest rodent, the capybara which can weigh 200 pounds (91 kg).
- Two species of freshwater dolphin live in the Amazon river.
- Edentates -- including sloths, anteaters, and armadillos -- are common residents of the Amazon rainforest and only exist in the New World.
- In 2013, scientists announced the discovery of a previously undescribed species of tapir.

List of selected mammals from the greater Amazon region
Note: this list is not comprehensive. Some species may live outside the Amazon rainforest biome.Common name | Latin name | Family | IUCN status |
Black-headed night monkey | Aotus nigriceps | Aotidae | LC |
Spix's night monkey | Aotus vociferans | Aotidae | LC |
Mantled howler | Alouatta palliata | Atelidae | LC |
Venezuelan red howler | Alouatta seniculus | Atelidae | LC |
White-fronted spider monkey | Ateles belzebuth | Atelidae | VU |
Brown woolly monkey | Lagothrix lagothricha | Atelidae | LR/lc |
Pale-throated three-toed sloth | Bradypus tridactylus | Bradypodidae (three-toed sloths) | LC |
Brown-throated three-toed sloth | Bradypus variegatus | Bradypodidae (three-toed sloths) | LC |
Short-eared dog | Atelocynus microtis | Canidae (dogs, foxes) | DD |
Crab-eating fox | Cerdocyon thous | Canidae (dogs, foxes) | LC |
Culpeo | Lycalopex culpaeus | Canidae (dogs, foxes) | LC |
Bush dog | Speothos venaticus | Canidae (dogs, foxes) | VU |
Brazilian guinea pig | Cavia aperea | Caviidae (guinea pigs) | LR/lc |
Guinea pig | Cavia porcellus | Caviidae (guinea pigs) | LR/lc |
Capybara | Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | Caviidae (guinea pigs) | LR/lc |
Goeldi's marmoset | Callimico goeldii | Cebidae | NT |
Pygmy marmoset | Cebuella pygmaea | Cebidae | LC |
White-fronted capuchin | Cebus albifrons | Cebidae | LC |
Large-headed capuchin | Cebus macrocephalus | Cebidae | LC |
Brown-mantled tamarin | Saguinus fuscicollis | Cebidae | LC |
Common squirrel monkey | Saimiri sciureus | Cebidae | LC |
Taruca | Hippocamelus antisensis | Cervidae (deer) | DD |
Red brocket | Mazama americana | Cervidae (deer) | DD |
Gray brocket | Mazama gouazoupira | Cervidae (deer) | DD |
White-tailed deer | Odocoileus virginianus | Cervidae (deer) | LR/lc |
Pudú|Northern pudú | Pudu mephistophiles | Cervidae (deer) | LR/nt |
Amazonian marsh rat | Holochilus sciureus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Highland small rice rat | Microryzomys altissimus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Forest small rice rat | Microryzomys minutus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Common neacomys | Neacomys spinosus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Narrow-footed bristly mouse | Neacomys tenuipes | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Bicolored arboreal rice rat | Oecomys bicolor | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Robert's arboreal rice rat | Oecomys roberti | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Trinidad arboreal rice rat | Oecomys trinitatis | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Destructive pygmy rice rat | Oligoryzomys destructor | Cricetidae | DD |
Fulvous pygmy rice rat | Oligoryzomys fulvescens | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Azara's broad-headed rice rat | Oryzomys megacephalus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Yungas rice rat | Oryzomys yunganus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Coues's climbing mouse | Rhipidomys couesi | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
White-footed climbing mouse | Rhipidomys leucodactylus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Atlantic Forest climbing mouse | Rhipidomys mastacalis | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Alston's cotton rat | Sigmodon alstoni | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Golden oldfield mouse | Thomasomys aureus | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Short-tailed cane rat | Zygodontomys brevicauda | Cricetidae | LR/lc |
Lowland paca | Cuniculus paca | Cuniculidae (paca) | LC |
Mountain paca | Cuniculus taczanowskii | Cuniculidae (paca) | LR/nt |
Silky anteater | Cyclopes didactylus | Cyclopedidae | LC |
Southern naked-tailed armadillo | Cabassous unicinctus | Dasypodidae (armadillos) | LC |
Greater long-nosed armadillo | Dasypus kappleri | Dasypodidae (armadillos) | LC |
Nine-banded armadillo | Dasypus novemcinctus | Dasypodidae (armadillos) | LC |
Giant armadillo | Priodontes maximus | Dasypodidae (armadillos) | VU |
Black agouti | Dasyprocta fuliginosa | Dasyproctidae (agoutis and pacas) | LR/lc |
Central American agouti | Dasyprocta punctata | Dasyproctidae (agoutis and pacas) | LR/lc |
Red acouchi | Myoprocta acouchy | Dasyproctidae (agoutis and pacas) | LR/lc |
Tucuxi | Sotalia fluviatilis | Delphinidae (marine dolphins) | DD |
Brown-eared woolly opossum | Caluromys lanatus | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/nt |
Water opossum | Chironectes minimus | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/nt |
White-eared opossum | Didelphis albiventris | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Common opossum | Didelphis marsupialis | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Bushy-tailed opossum | Glironia venusta | Didelphidae (American opossums) | VU |
Lutrine opossum | Lutreolina crassicaudata | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Woolly mouse opossum | Marmosa demerarae | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Rufous mouse opossum | Marmosa lepida | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/nt |
Linnaeus's mouse opossum | Marmosa murina | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Bare-tailed woolly mouse opossum | Marmosa regina | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Robinson's mouse opossum | Marmosa robinsoni | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Tschudi's slender opossum | Marmosops impavidus | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/nt |
White-bellied slender opossum | Marmosops noctivagus | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Delicate slender opossum | Marmosops parvidens | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/nt |
Brown four-eyed opossum | Metachirus nudicaudatus | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Sepia short-tailed opossum | Monodelphis adusta | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Anderson's four-eyed opossum | Philander andersoni | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Gray four-eyed opossum | Philander opossum | Didelphidae (American opossums) | LR/lc |
Pacarana | Dinomys branickii | Dinomyidae (pacarana) | EN |
Amazon bamboo rat | Dactylomys dactylinus | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Ferreira's spiny tree rat | Mesomys hispidus | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Short-tailed spiny rat | Proechimys brevicauda | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Cuvier's spiny rat | Proechimys cuvieri | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Napo spiny rat | Proechimys quadruplicatus | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Simon's spiny rat | Proechimys simonsi | Echimyidae | LR/lc |
Bicolor-spined porcupine | Coendou bicolor | Erethizontidae (New World porcupines) | LR/lc |
Colocolo | Leopardus colocolo | Felidae (cats) | NT |
Ocelot | Leopardus pardalis | Felidae (cats) | LC |
Oncilla | Leopardus tigrinus | Felidae (cats) | NT |
Margay | Leopardus wiedii | Felidae (cats) | LC |
Jaguar | Panthera onca | Felidae (cats) | NT |
Cougar | Puma concolor | Felidae (cats) | NT |
Jaguarundi | Puma yagouaroundi | Felidae (cats) | LC |
Amazon river dolphin, Boto | Inia geoffrensis | Iniidae | VU |
Linnaeus's two-toed sloth | Choloepus didactylus | Megalonychidae (two-toed sloths) | LC |
Hoffmann's two-toed sloth | Choloepus hoffmanni | Megalonychidae (two-toed sloths) | LC |
Striped hog-nosed skunk | Conepatus semistriatus | Mephitidae | LR/lc |
Tayra | Eira barbara | Mustelidae (mustelids) | LR/lc |
Greater grison | Galictis vittata | Mustelidae (mustelids) | LR/lc |
Neotropical river otter | Lontra longicaudis | Mustelidae (mustelids) | DD |
Amazon weasel | Mustela africana | Mustelidae (mustelids) | DD |
Long-tailed weasel | Mustela frenata | Mustelidae (mustelids) | LR/lc |
Giant otter | Pteronura brasiliensis | Mustelidae (mustelids) | EN |
Giant anteater | Myrmecophaga tridactyla | Myrmecophagidae (American anteaters) | NT |
Northern tamandua | Tamandua mexicana | Myrmecophagidae (American anteaters) | LC |
Southern tamandua | Tamandua tetradactyla | Myrmecophagidae (American anteaters) | LC |
Tailed tailless bat | Anoura caudifer | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Handley's tailless bat | Anoura cultrata | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Geoffroy's tailless bat | Anoura geoffroyi | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Andersen's fruit-eating bat | Artibeus anderseni | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Silver fruit-eating bat | Artibeus glaucus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Jamaican fruit bat | Artibeus jamaicensis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Great fruit-eating bat | Artibeus lituratus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Dark fruit-eating bat | Artibeus obscurus | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Pygmy fruit-eating bat | Artibeus phaeotis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Chestnut short-tailed bat | Carollia castanea | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Seba's short-tailed bat | Carollia perspicillata | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Salvin's big-eyed bat | Chiroderma salvini | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Little big-eyed bat | Chiroderma trinitatum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Hairy big-eyed bat | Chiroderma villosum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Godman's long-tailed bat | Choeroniscus godmani | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Minor long-nosed long-tongued bat | Choeroniscus minor | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Common vampire bat | Desmodus rotundus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
White-winged vampire bat | Diaemus youngi | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Hairy-legged vampire bat | Diphylla ecaudata | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Velvety fruit-eating bat | Enchisthenes hartii | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Commissaris's long-tongued bat | Glossophaga commissarisi | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Miller's long-tongued bat | Glossophaga longirostris | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Pallas's long-tongued bat | Glossophaga soricina | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Davies's big-eared bat | Glyphonycteris daviesi | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Tricolored big-eared bat | Glyphonycteris sylvestris | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Yellow-throated big-eared bat | Lampronycteris brachyotis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Dark long-tongued bat | Lichonycteris obscura | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Chestnut long-tongued bat | Lionycteris spurrelli | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Handley's nectar bat | Lonchophylla handleyi | Phyllostomidae | VU |
Orange nectar bat | Lonchophylla robusta | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Thomas's nectar bat | Lonchophylla thomasi | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Tomes's sword-nosed bat | Lonchorhina aurita | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Pygmy round-eared bat | Lophostoma brasiliense | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Carriker's round-eared bat | Lophostoma carrikeri | Phyllostomidae | VU |
White-throated round-eared bat | Lophostoma silvicolum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Long-legged bat | Macrophyllum macrophyllum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
MacConnell's bat | Mesophylla macconnelli | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Hairy big-eared bat | Micronycteris hirsuta | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Little big-eared bat | Micronycteris megalotis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
White-bellied big-eared bat | Micronycteris minuta | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Striped hairy-nosed bat | Mimon crenulatum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Pale-faced bat | Phylloderma stenops | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Pale spear-nosed bat | Phyllostomus discolor | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Lesser spear-nosed bat | Phyllostomus elongatus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Greater spear-nosed bat | Phyllostomus hastatus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Short-headed broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus brachycephalus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Thomas's broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus dorsalis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Heller's broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus helleri | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Buffy broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus infuscus | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
White-lined broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus lineatus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Greater broad-nosed bat | Platyrrhinus vittatus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Fischer's little fruit bat | Rhinophylla fischerae | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Dwarf little fruit bat | Rhinophylla pumilio | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Visored bat | Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Aratathomas's yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira aratathomasi | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira bidens | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Bogota yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira bogotensis | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Hairy yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira erythromos | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Little yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira lilium | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Highland yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira ludovici | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Louis's yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira luisi | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Greater yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira magna | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Tilda's yellow-shouldered bat | Sturnira tildae | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Stripe-headed round-eared bat | Tonatia saurophila | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Fringe-lipped bat | Trachops cirrhosus | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Niceforo's big-eared bat | Trinycteris nicefori | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Tent-making bat | Uroderma bilobatum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Brown tent-making bat | Uroderma magnirostrum | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Bidentate yellow-eared bat | Vampyressa bidens | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Brock's yellow-eared bat | Vampyressa brocki | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
Southern little yellow-eared bat | Vampyressa pusilla | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Great stripe-faced bat | Vampyrodes caraccioli | Phyllostomidae | LR/lc |
Spectral bat | Vampyrum spectrum | Phyllostomidae | LR/nt |
White-tailed titi | Callicebus discolor | Pitheciidae | LC |
Lucifer titi | Callicebus lucifer | Pitheciidae | LC |
Monk saki | Pithecia monachus | Pitheciidae | LC |
Eastern lowland olingo | Bassaricyon alleni | Procyonidae (raccoons) | LR/lc |
South American coati | Nasua nasua | Procyonidae (raccoons) | LR/lc |
Kinkajou | Potos flavus | Procyonidae (raccoons) | LR/lc |
Crab-eating raccoon | Procyon cancrivorus | Procyonidae (raccoons) | LR/lc |
Amazon dwarf squirrel | Microsciurus flaviventer | Sciuridae (squirrels) | LR/lc |
Northern Amazon red squirrel | Sciurus igniventris | Sciuridae (squirrels) | LR/lc |
Southern Amazon red squirrel | Sciurus spadiceus | Sciuridae (squirrels) | LR/lc |
Thomas' small-eared shrew | Cryptotis thomasi | Soricidae (shrews) | LR/lc |
Spectacled bear | Tremarctos ornatus | Ursidae (bears) | VU |
Little black serotine | Eptesicus andinus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Brazilian brown bat | Eptesicus brasiliensis | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Argentine brown bat | Eptesicus furinalis | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Big brown bat | Eptesicus fuscus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Small big-eared brown bat | Histiotus montanus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Desert red bat | Lasiurus blossevillii | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Hoary bat | Lasiurus cinereus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Southern yellow bat | Lasiurus ega | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Silver-tipped myotis | Myotis albescens | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Hairy-legged myotis | Myotis keaysi | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Black myotis | Myotis nigricans | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Montane myotis | Myotis oxyotus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Riparian myotis | Myotis riparius | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Velvety myotis | Myotis simus | Vespertilionidae | LR/lc |
Amazon rainforest section contents: