Deforestation statistics for Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe: Demographic data

Population (2022)219,159
Annual population growth rate (2022)1.91%
Population density (people/sq km)228
Net migration-1,680
Fertility rate4.4
Median age19
Urban population share74%

Sao Tome and Principe: Land cover and land use change data

Land area (sq km): nan
Tree cover (30%)
Tree cover extent in 2000 (ha): 14,214
Tree cover extent as % of land area: nan

Tree cover loss from 2001-20 (ha): 77
Tree cover extent as % of 2000 tree cover: 0.5%

Sao Tome and Principe: Annual forest and tree cover data

Sao Tome and Principe: Tree cover loss by year

30% tree cover threshold; all figures in hectares
Year: Hectares
2001: 77
2002: 0
2003: 0
2004: 0
2005: 0
2006: 0
2007: 0
2008: 0
2009: 0
2010: 0
2011: 0
2012: 0
2013: 0
2014: 0
2015: 0
2016: 0
2017: 0
2018: 0
2019: 0
2020: 0


2019 forest data for Sao Tome and Principe | Archived forest data for Sao Tome and Principe | Forest data for Sao Tome and Principe

Data Source: Tree cover loss: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA via Global Forest Watch. Administrative boundaries: Global Administrative Areas database (GADM), version 3.6.

Citation: Mongabay. "Deforestation statistics for [selected country name]". Accessed on [date] from

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